Reporter Member List
This is the complete list of members for Reporter, including all inherited members.
allowSvg() const =0Reporter [pure virtual]
arrayEnd(int count)Reporter [inline, protected, virtual]
arrayStart(int count, const QString &title, bool defaultShown)Reporter [inline, protected, virtual]
collectedReporter [protected]
collectorReporter [mutable, protected]
nestLevelReporter [protected]
setTitle(const QString &newtitle)Reporter [virtual]
subBlock(const Block &value, const QString &tag)=0Reporter [protected, pure virtual]
tagValuePair(const QString &tag, const QString &value)=0Reporter [pure virtual]
tagValuePair(const QString &tag, int value)Reporter [virtual]
titleReporter [protected]
toQByteArray() const =0Reporter [pure virtual]
writeArray(const Arraytype &ray, const QString &title="", bool defaultShown=true)Reporter [inline]
writeBlock(const Block &value, const QString &tag="")Reporter [virtual]